The General Wellness Health Scan: is a simple scan that takes a snap shot of your current state of health. It has a couple pages Dr. Hartman uses for patients, they are able to select what areas they want to look into a little more, 3 to 5 items, which has over 40+ items, and then Dr. Hartman has the ability to look into main concerns a little more on another page. This is very accurate, like all the scans, however, it does not allow Dr. Hartman the opportunity to really zone into and dig deeper like the Advanced Health Scan. This scan is for those who are in good health and wanting to learn what they need to help maintain current state of health and/or helping to optimize health and wellness. It takes about 20mins or so to scan and is around 1.5hrs to complete everything.
Follow-ups: are imperative to establish a personalized health plan that effectively addresses your specific concerns, goals, and helping to get to underlying causes. Results only last for a certain period of time and will become in valid over time. This is why patients need to be pro-active with their health and follow-up with a scheduled in office visit with Dr. Hartman. It takes BOTH you and Dr. Hartman working together for the betterment of your health. If you only communicate through email or on the phone after your initial appointment and do not schedule to see Dr. Hartman with in 3months or longer, how can she truly be able to help you? Following-up within a few weeks helps Dr. Hartman to know where you are, what might need to be added or tweaked etc. However, if you get a scan, come in for nutritional coaching etc. and then do not do anything with the results, get started late, don’t really understand what to do, you decide to try a product(s) etc. but you don’t schedule with Dr. Hartman; how is this allowing her to do her job and/or that you know the program worked or didn’t work for you?
To learn more click on: Health Scans, Health Scan Prices, Policies, The Advanced Health Scan or visit the difference between health scans or contact Dr. Hartman @ 860-2144 /