The food scan is based on whether or not your body can absorb, assimilate and/or metabolize individual foods, substances etc. It records your body’s responses and reports all top positive and negative items. Negative responses are referred to as biological aversion -what your body “doesn’t like” and positive responses are referred to as biological preferences -what your body “does like.” Even though this is NOT a food allergy test, you may wish to avoid those foods you have a negative response to, and include all positive responses in your current diet.Dr. Hartman is the 1st to offer this scan in and around her area and likes to offer things to patients others’ do not have, this way she is able to utilize others to help the masses! Unfortunately, at this time the scan is not covered by insurance or any insurance plans. However, the company is working hard to get it covered.
Typically the food scan results are good for 3months if a patient decides to follow the food scan. Depending on how well the patient is doing and how disciplined they are, Dr. Hartman may allow up to 4months without a rescan. Patients need to take responsibility for their health, decisions they make, choices or changes they make etc.
NOTE: you cannot use the food scan for weightloss or any other reason if you are not willing to change old habits, stop eat out or fast foods for while etc. The food scan is simply a tool used to help patients become healthier, but this is not obtained if patients do not want to make changes in what they’ve been doing and/or breaking old habits. This is about learning what foods your body likes and/or needs, and how to cook them for the best nutritional content. Dr. Hartman encourages patients to schedule before 3months, so she knows where they are at, and for them to rescan to continue to further assist them. She cannot do her job if patients do not follow-up.
Caution: do not read too much into the results, this is a very easy plan to follow and understand. Remember to always go by your POSITIVE results. This is about eating what your body wants. It’s not about whether or not things in the negative are in foods that may have a trace amount. Results are based on SINGLE items not combinations of things. You may think there are things that are the same due to “similars,” however, this is all about how it’s processed, how food is grown, other factors like how the body utilizes foods/substances, and again most importantly it is how the body absorbs, assimilates and/or metabolizes things.
Food Scans help in understanding what your body responded negatively and positively to with food. It is NOT a food allergy, intolerance and/or sensitivities test. It gives you a good idea of what your body likes and doesn’t, what you should be eating and not be eating, and can help to explain why your small intestines may not be able to absorb, assimilate and/or metabolize foods, additives, spices etc. The digestion scan offers more insight to gut health and gives more educational understanding of what is going on in the gut. The advanced scan can zero into particular foods you may have an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity too; which Dr. Hartman would back up with labs. Both together give a clearer picture of foods you may want to stay away from or avoid in your diet, and foods to add to your diet. *Blood test IgE, IgG, and others’ can be added to verify food sensitivities, allergies, reactions, and/or intolerances. There are a multitude of ways to test, which Dr. Hartman has several avenues to help in this area; and it’s finding the best one to fit your unique health, and what will help the most for you. patients think there are possible allergies, intolerances and/or sensitivities to foods and/or substances; Dr. Hartman can order labs, preform auriculartherapy, allergy testing and clearing too. The scan over time show patterns, which can help you better understand your body, how certain food and substances affect you etc. The food scan is a GREAT tool to utilize for overall health and wellness. It truly gives you an accurate perspective of what your body likes and doesn’t, and makes your life much easier in the process.
Follow-ups: are imperative to establish a personalized health plan that effectively addresses your specific concerns, goals, and helping to get to underlying causes. Results only last for a certain period of time and will become in valid over time. This is why patients need to be pro-active with their health and follow-up with a scheduled in office visit with Dr. Hartman. It takes BOTH you and Dr. Hartman working together for the betterment of your health. If you only communicate through email or on the phone after your initial appointment and do not schedule to see Dr. Hartman with in 3months or longer, how can she truly be able to help you? Following-up within a few weeks helps Dr. Hartman to know where you are, what might need to be added or tweaked etc. However, if you get a scan, come in for nutritional coaching etc. and then do not do anything with the results, get started late, don’t really understand what to do, you decide to try a product(s) etc. but you don’t schedule with Dr. Hartman; how is this allowing her to do her job and/or that you know the program worked or didn’t work for you?
Call Dr. Hartman for your food scan today! 765-860-2144.Some sample pictures to help give you a visual of what the report looks like. Please keep into consideration most reports are 10+++ pages long. This picture is just an example showing positive & negative response, i.e., showing an example of what the body likes and doesn’t like…
For More Information On Health Scans, Policies, Prices Or Foods For Wellness Scan