By • September 28, 2014 • Comments Off on Cold & Flu Help
Need Help with Colds, Allergies, and/or the Flu?
With cold and flu season lingering and fall allergies sprouting up, it’s more important than ever to make sure your immune system is primed and ready to support optimal vitality. In addition, a healthy diet packed with immune-friendly foods is one of the best ways. Supporting a healthy immune system means making the right lifestyle choices, not just during seasonal challenges, but all year round. In addition to eating the right foods, we also want to find healthy ways to relieve stress, get plenty of quality sleep, stay hydrated with pure filtered water, and choose high quality nutrients and botanicals that can support a healthy, balanced immune response.
Don’t get the Flu Shot or had an adverse reaction to it?
Below are some helpful ways to help protect you and your family from getting that nasty flu bug -if you decline the Flu Shot!
1. Try Tea Tree Oil: in your soap. Adding a couple drops adds extra protection again many microbes. It’s a natural antibiotic, and immune stimulant; as well as an anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-infectious etc.
2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide: To clean your surfaces and bathtubs. It kills bacteria, germs, and other harmful microbes!
3. Dr. Hartman’s special Surface Cleaner: 1/8-1/4 cup of white vinegar, 5-6 drops of tea tree oil and 3-4 drops Thieves–fill rest with water. Can be used to wash floors, bathrooms, surfaces etc. Put into a spray bottle or use in a bucket. This kills all germs, bacteria, viruses, and microbes.
4. Honey Comb: try eating a small piece of a honeycomb. It boosts immune responses and protects against colds, flu, upper respiratory infections etc.
5. Eat dark green, red and yellow vegetables & fruit: All contain Phytochemicals, which boost immune function.
6. Drink Water: at least 8-12 cups or more water every day
7. Use Ginger Root: add to any recipe –just a little sliver will protect you and boost immune function.
*There are many other things you can do to protect your family – the above is just a start! *
Cold and Respiratory Suggestions:
Flu Suggestions:
Homeopathic Oscillococcinum: If you come down with Influenza A or B – kill it in 24 hours or less! If taken at first sign Oscillococcinum has been shown to help get rid of symptoms’ and the flu very quickly.
*Dr. Hartman can help with other modalities of healing too. Contact Dr. Hartman @ 765-860-2144*
Enjoy Dr. Hartman’s own recipe she makes during the fall /winter to help protect her family and boost their immune system, by visiting the tab under this blog make “Recipes”; this too will help during the fall and winter months.
*** For those who are following my “PhD findings on the Immune System and Cancer,” as my previous blog was about – come back later this year for part 2. My first presentation on Cancer was an introduction and numerous medical words and/or information was taken out to make it more user friendly and easier for you to comprehend as well. I will continue to present numerous education on cancer, discuss the differences between medical procedures and holistic treatments, discuss findings of how each work to rid the body of cancer and much more…Come back for the continuation of Cancer***
Dr. Renee Hartman’s techniques and alternative approaches have many healing benefits to offer patients in non-invasive ways. Dr. Renee Hartman is trained in numerous therapies, techniques and modalities in the fields of holistic /alternative/natural medicine and has an extensive medical background. Some therapies include but are not limited to: massage therapy, deep tissue work, rehabilitation therapy, herbalism, homeopathy, and health coaching, among several others’. Dr. Renee Hartman practices the art of healing therapies for whole body healthcare and wellness, and helps patients find root cause(s). Dr. Renee Hartman offers natural alternative services and professional therapies, and will not preform any thing illegal in the State of Indiana nor anything that is against her Personal or Professional moral code.