By • September 28, 2014 • Comments Off on Living Your Life with Purpose
Living Your Life with Purpose:
I’ve been writing about health related topics and helping to guide people in making healthy lifestyle choices for years now. However, this post may seem a bit different, but I think it is needed and “ food for thought!” Through working, consulting /coaching and mentoring numerous patients; I have found you cannot be truly healthy, correct bad/old habits or truly heal from the inside out until you are pursuing your unique passion in life…simply enough: you have to have a purpose. There is something in every persons life that God put you on the planet to be a part of and without it you will never have true fulfillment or purpose.
As a doctor, I believe the greatest thing I can do for anyone is inspire, empower and give them courage to take responsible steps to improve their health and the prevention of Dis-ease. I know a lot of educated people who know a lot about a multitude of things, i.e. physiology, cancer, nutrition etc. but some are not motivated enough to take care of their own health. I also know people who know a lot about the Bible and it’s teachings but never go after the mission and vision God wanted for them. Why? I believe it’s because people settle for a life of “mediocrity.” We are all influenced daily that mediocrity is all we need to be happy in life. So, we never achieve potential because of the lack of the spark we need of inspiration and to have a purpose in life. Some people do not have the courage to take risks, face rejection, learn from mistakes, or thrive under stress…so they settle for less and never truly figure out who they are and what purpose they have in life and what God put them here for. They in a sense give up on the truth and get stuck in mediocrity, bad habits and false truths, hopes & dreams…
Real Health, Purpose, and Truth:
I believe that real health has much more to do than just living a healthy lifestyle, taking supplements and getting by. In my opinion, Health is a state of optimal well-being, mind, body, and spirit. Optimal Healing, s a conscious pursuit of functioning and balancing of all levels of the body, e.g. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and looking at life styles, environmental, and socials factors. I don’t believe anyone can be truly happy or healthy unless they are pursuing what God is calling them to do- their passion in life.
This is NOT the same for everyone, because we are all different and you may have to dig deep in order to find it. Nevertheless, those who find it in themselves can see it in others and show by example to help us all grow and blossom. I love being around people who are passionate about what they do for a living, or about their church, or listen to how God called them, etc. It is very inspiring to hear such positive stories! The TRUTH is: We have all been given a noble purpose and our lives have great meaning. God has set a unique path for each of us, he helps to guide us and is there to lift us up when we fall or go off our path.
Find Your Passion -Brings out Your Potential:
Growing up I was always very bubbly, talkative, outgoing, and compassionate and would lend a helping hand to anyone. I ALWAYS asked questions, and questioned things I didn’t completely understand or thought was wrong; and I still do. However, I’m very afraid of public speaking and having to get up in class to speak – it as though I freeze up inside and my whole body locks up in front of people. Ironically, I have no problem with this when helping others’, working, and coaching. As a small child, I would go up to people I never knew and start up a conversation with them or ask if I could help them. My parents know this too well, because I use to scare them by talking to strangers’ because I’ve never really had a “stranger” in my life. In fact, I feel most alive and closest to God when I am helping others and sharing a message of life, health, empowerment, and hope for them.
Your Purpose Refines You into Who You Really Are:
In school growing up, science and math were my best subjects but English was the absolute worst subject! I LOVED chemistry, biochemistry and anything concerning the human body! (I’m a huge nerd!) My first college I learned a lot medically and about our body. I felt I couldn’t get enough knowledge and wanted more. My second college, I was excited about putting it all together with natural health (nutrition), however, I had to write a lot of papers, site my work and research! I had never done this before and felt a little intimidated and hated English! I was a horrible speller in school and didn’t always comprehend everything I read – my highest grade in English, LA etc. was always a C+. Ironically, I now had to write several papers in every course! It all turned out for the best because I ended up getting all A’s and enjoyed writing, proving, researching and learning through reading numerous books, etc. Thirdly, the University I attended help to put all of this together and focus on knowing how to look for root causes, and a plethora of others’. I had to write a Master’s and Doctoral Thesis; and a PhD Research Dissertation before graduating. I thought my last college was hard…boy was I wrong. My PhD Research Dissertation was the hardest paper I’d ever written. I had to interview patients, nurses, doctors, visit oncology wards, call doctors and Pharma companies, research with books, clinical studies, etc.; including siting everything, look into all factors of life, environment, nutrition, GMO’s, chemicals, etc. It took almost 3 full years to complete ONE paper and was almost 500 pages in length.
So, what really happened through all of this you ask? I found my purpose, well I really knew it all the time, but was just allowing too much mediocrity and negativity to keep me slightly off path. I now have an innate fire in my heart to be the best communicator possible, to help people heal from the inside out, and find, and treat ROOT causes. I believe God communicates through me to my patients and gives them what they need.
What is your purpose? What sparks the fires of passion within you? Find it and allow God to transform the way you view yourself. This new perspective allows you to step out of the mediocrity, the vicious cycle you are stuck in and allows you to become the person God called you to be! It also creates innate healing within!
Finding Your Purpose Breaks Wrong Mindsets:
I love my parents with all my heart and soul and I had a fantastic upbringing. They loved me no matter what, accepted me for who I was, allowed me to grow and learn, and were there for me when I fell to help me back up. The most important was they taught me about God’s direction in life, that we are all different and our goal is to do God’s will. But, my life wasn’t 100% perfect all the time. My parents always had limited finances and the words I always heard were “we can’t afford that.” Whether we could or not is another question…but I learned the value of money and what a privilege it was to earn money, save money and buy something that was worth all your hard work.
This created an imprint in my mind that money was a precious gift, you have to work hard for and if you want to purchase anything to make sure your buying something you really need NOT just a “want.” Therefore, I learned that money was tough to come by and once you got any, you better save up for what really matters.
When God called me on this journey, I was a bit worried because of our finances, having two growing children with special diets due to their allergies, they don’t eat many of the foods we are accustomed too, which cost more money to keep them on their restricted diets; as every person we have personal bills, including business bills…Needless to say, I was scared we’ve have financial issues due to more schooling and monies going out. I still pray daily for God to continue to provide for us and Thank Him for all He’s done.
God Will does provide:
When I graduated in October 2013 for the University, we had not yet paid off loans, and still are paying our school debt now. I kept my prices the same; which many anticipated I would be raising being of have a “Dr.” by my name. I think this is stereotyping of a person because of initials; although, numerous people, friends and colleagues have told me I should and need to raise my prices to help compensate for insurance, licenses and certifications, schooling and business expenses, etc. But, how does a person put a price on God’s Will?!?!?
Faithfully, I KNOW the Lord will open up doors for me and for my own clinic. Each day, I asked the Lord what I should do, for helping in hearing his Will for me, and I believe He is telling me to “keep walking the path I have set before you.” With that being said, I know God WILL provide in all areas of my life and my families~ I just have to be patient and keep on His path! I’m not worried about finances, a building or keeping busy because I know God has a plan and will open the doors in His time.
Keep Moving Forward & Never Give Up:
So, I started a new adventure in Biological Medicine in March 2013, again being costly for us; including going to San Francisco for 4 days for medical hands-on training; which God provided for us to be able to go in a very short amount of time…it was amazing how everything came together. Those who know me know: 1) I LOVE to learn, 2) I’m very spiritual, 3) I have ONLY the best intentions in mind for everyone, 4) I will go out of my way in order to help someone 5) I’m very honest, compassionate, giving, selfless and thoughtful, and 6) I’m conscientious and never do frivolous things. So, I truly believe in my whole heart and soul this is what I’m suppose to be doing…
Through the years I’ve learned a lot of things, and that through hard work, lots of determination, learning from mistakes and experiences, and falling but getting back up; makes you a better person and helps you grow inside and out; as well as being able to help others’ by our growth, experiences and failures. It is NOT an easy road, there are hurts and painful hardships along the way…but in the end our purpose is to continue without waiver and stay on the path God has set of each of us!
Concluding: Below are my Lessons I Have Learned thus far:
I have made so many mistakes in my life and I know I will have many more; but I have always tried my very best to learn from every mistake I’ve made and to become a better person through them. Most of my mistakes I have made have come from being too gullible, innocent, emotionally involved and my own personal expectations…which I am continually working on improving myself and short comings, and my emotional connectedness with my patients, friends and family.
We all are born to make mistakes and fail. But, we have to get back up and not give up. We must each learn and grow from our mistakes and perceived failures. It is a beautiful peace to know that mistakes are an opportunity to learn, grow and become a better person in the long run. I pray every day for God to open my eyes to see what I’m suppose to see, my ears to hear His Will, my heart for me to Love unconditionally and empathically, and my soul for me to continue to stay on His path, to learn from mistakes and to Truly help patients by doing God’s Will!
Many people are afraid to take risks, we’ve learned we could get hurt, things may not work out for the best, etc. but if it comes to something that is honoring to God (such as taking care of your health, your family, pursuing your dream, helping others, etc.) you have to do it. I have taken so many risks in my lifetime, especially when it comes to helping others’. Many of them have not turned out so great but SO many others were well worth my time and efforts. Examples of Positive & Negative experiences I’ve had: I’ve taken numerous classes, attended seminars etc. that was a waste of time, huge let down and wasn’t able to help someone or I learned a great deal and was able to help others’, I’ve given numerous hours to people who were ungrateful, never satisfied and only wanted more and I’ve had the opposite happen, where people were very appreciative for my dedication. I’ve had my feelings really hurt by people I never thought would hurt me and I’ve been blown away by people I never thought I could help or I thought would take advantage of me but they didn’t. I’ve had some really amazing and unique experiences, picked up a tumor in a mans leg, knew someone was pregnant, and there has been numerous other positive things that have happened and or were unexplained but somehow I was led to it. I have to believe everything is meant to be no matter the outcome, i.e. positive or negative…and I’m very happy I had the opportunity no matter what!
Every time we take a risk, let go of our comfort zone, we receive the opportunity to grow in our lives. Life is more about our own personal growth, learning to love no matter what and listening to and following God’s path. As long as you are taking the risk for honorable reasons, doing it in God’s name – then there will be some blessing on the back end (even if it seems like a total failure). In my own life of successes and failures, I’ve seen God move on my behalf through taking these risks, jumps/leaps of faith; which has been SO meaningful to my life, helped me grow deeper in my faith, who I am as a person and my prayer life has changed away from my wants – To rather what God wants!
Even better than pursuing the dream and vision God has given you would be do that while helping others achieve their goals and dreams. In fact, you and I will never be fulfilled until we learn how to help others reach their goals, dreams and find fulfillment.
We were created to serve others. Be an encourager and a generous giver. Give others our time, talents, gifts and encouragement. Find like-minded partners and give way more than you can expect to get back – Always! Put your heart into service and value what you do and you will be blessed.
One of the biggest distractions we have is “health challenges” we may encounter in our life. This keeps us from many things we are meant to do, experience, and learn from. Whether it’s with our family, friends or within our selves. However, if we aren’t doing what it takes to improve our health everyday it is only a matter of time before a health challenge occurs…
When we prioritize our health, we have more energy, are focused on what is truly important, we respond better to stressors, and are able to thrive in challenging situations no matter the obstacles. Without prioritizing our health, it is very easy to allow these challenges to defeat us daily; as well as keeping us distracted from reaching our true potential.
Everyone knows I’m a continual work in progress and I will never stop learning more about health, nutrition, love, communication, how to help others more, etc. God doesn’t call us to settle for mediocrity ever in our lives…He wants us to continually grow with Him in all areas of life to become that special person He knows we are to become.
When we make the commitment to become a better person, spouse, a parent, a man/woman of God, a businessperson, etc. we have great HOPE for your future of doing God’s Will. We know we are moving in the right direction and with that comes great joy, satisfaction and fulfillment – all which gives us a purpose!
So, what is the purpose of this post? I hope by reading this you will understand more of what needs to be done in order to truly heal, what is truly important and hopefully I’ve help guide you in finding your purpose in life. We ALL need God in our lives – without Him we are nothing. If we continue to rely on others’ and never commit to our purpose here on earth – will can never truly grow or be who we are suppose to be!
Principles of a Holistic Medical Practice:
1) Optimal Health: is the primary goal of holistic medicine practice. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest level of functioning and balance of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive! This creates a condition of well-being regardless of the presence or absence of disease.
2) The Healing Power of Love: Holistic healthcare practitioners strive to meet the patient with grace, kindness, acceptance, and spirit without condition, as love is life’s most powerful healer.
3) Whole Person: Holistic healthcare practitioners view people as the unity of body, mind, spirit, and the systems in which they live.
4) Prevention and Treatment: Holistic healthcare practitioners promote health, prevent illness and help raise awareness of dis-ease in our lives rather than merely managing symptoms. A holistic approach relieves symptoms, modifies contributing factors, and enhances the patients life system to optimize future well-being.
5) Innate Healing Power: All people have innate powers of healing in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Holistic healthcare practitioners evoke and help patients utilize these powers to affect the healing process.
6) Integration of Healing Systems: Holistic healthcare practitioners embrace a lifetime of learning about all safe and effective options in diagnosis and treatments. These options come from a variety of traditions, and are selected in order to best meet the unique needs of the patient. The realm of choices may include lifestyle modification, natural modalities and products, and complementary approaches; as well as conventional drugs and surgery when necessary.
7) Relationship-Centered Care: The ideal practitioner-patient relationship is a partnership, which encourages patients’ autonomy, and values the needs and insights of both parties. The quality of this relationship is an essential contributor to the healing process.
8) Individuality: Holistic healthcare practitioners focus patient care on the unique needs and nature of the person who has an illness rather than the illness that has the person.
9) Teaching by Example: Holistic healthcare practitioners continually work toward the personal incorporation of the principles of holistic health, which then profoundly influences the quality of the healing relationship.
10) Learning Opportunities: All life experiences, including birth, joy, suffering, happiness, etc. and the dying processes are profound learning opportunities for both patients and healthcare practitioners.
Dr. Renee Hartman’s techniques and alternative approaches have many healing benefits to offer patients in non-invasive ways. Dr. Renee Hartman is trained in numerous therapies, techniques and modalities in the fields of holistic /alternative/natural medicine and has an extensive medical background. Some therapies include but are not limited to: massage therapy, deep tissue work, rehabilitation therapy, herbalism, homeopathy, and health coaching, among several others’. Dr. Renee Hartman practices the art of healing therapies for whole body healthcare and wellness, and helps patients find root cause(s). Dr. Renee Hartman offers natural alternative services and professional therapies, and will not preform any thing illegal in the State of Indiana nor anything that is against her Personal or Professional moral code.