The Advanced Health Scan: is a multilevel scan containing over 50,000+ Virtual Items which have been associated with actual items. These thousands of items have been associated with internal body systems, organs, glands, emotions, neurotransmitters, over 650 clinical treatments/services, balancers, stressors, etc. Stressors determine the most divergent items, and balancers determine which items are most likely to bring stressors back into range. Dr. Hartman zones into areas and/or focus on main concerns patients have or have been experiencing. It has multiple parts and doctor sections for her to dig even deeper. Patients are involved by picking areas they want to look into, main stressors, additional items, and secondary stressors which are picked by Dr. Hartman during the scan. Patients can focus on their issues and/or concerns and are able to pick from over 150 health challenge tabs. Dr. Hartman reviews symptoms with patients to pin point the category that best “applies” to their symptoms and/or problematic areas. The advanced scan is for those who have/had chronic issues/ problems, unexplained, and/or have not felt right and nothing they have done before has worked or worked long term. This scan is very thorough and accurate! It is not a cookie cutter way of addressing challenges and it does not leave out pieces of the puzzle.
The results provide a wealth of additional information which may reveal correlations, patterns, clues, internal relationships, and/or other areas to include, add, or look into. When Dr. Hartman adds in the tabs and go through symptoms, this is added to those thousands of items. The information leads her (your doctor) to ask better questions, reveal additional key information to help remove barriers, and/or may show what is preventing a patient from achieving optimal health and wellness. The scanner recommendations help with what it picked up as high stressors throughout in order to help bring someone back into range. In addition, Dr. Hartman looks for additional areas to include in order to help different health challenges and to see what else is going on. Together it is a very powerful way of addressing stressors, high and low activity, which in turn helps patients get to a homeostasis environment sooner. Dr. Hartman picks the results apart, researches, deliberates, and evaluates what she sees. She looks for additional things she can work with to help patients get faster and lasting results. She concentrates on what she feels/thinks is the most important to help someone. As an integrative and immunologist, she does not look at things the same way as other doctors, as she was taught to look at the human body a lot differently than what was taught in medical school. She normally spends a good week on everyone’s results in order to put together their personalized health plan. Dr. Hartman prays the whole time when evaluating, researching, deliberating, going through everything, looking at areas of concern, all organs, glands, systems, labs, etc. and asks God to guide and help lead her to what she can do in addition to what the scan picks. She puts her my whole heart and soul into everyone’s results, and goes up and beyond the call of duty, which she don’t charge for all the days and hours it takes to put someones health plan together. She does this b/c she truly wants to help all her patients “heal from the inside out,” tm, get them feeling better without quick fixes, several labs or tests etc. As those whom God sends her have already been through so much and really just want answers, and to feel better.
NOTE: Due to feedback from many patients, the scan now has been split into 2 appointments, i.e., 1) the initial health/medical intake, lab review or order, and Advanced health scan 2) The review of labs ordered (if applies), possible metabolic chaos or adrenal profile (emailed), and the results of the advanced health scan. It was becoming too overwhelming for some patients by the end and Dr. Hartman was only able to schedule one person for the whole day too. This has been very beneficial to both Dr. Hartman and her patients by splitting it up. Likewise, patients do not ever get results the same day from their medical doctors(s) either.
Time Frames: Due to the length of time some of the health scans 2-3hrs for the initial appointment and up to 1hr for results. Dr. Hartman cannot take patients after a certain time frame during the work day. However, she does try to work with patients schedules, be flexible when possible, and offers a doctor’s slip if someone has to miss work or school or take a half a day. As most doctors work during the day and have fixed hours.
Program: Dr. Hartman does NOT tell patients what they should and shouldn’t do, she understands the “one-size-fits-all,” has never worked for the betterment of others. She allows her patients to decide what they would like to do, if they want to take any suggestions the scan shows, or if they want to continue on their own path. Dr. Hartman does however let patients know if they decide the program and then continue to do things they’ve been doing before receiving the advanced health scan…how will they really know what worked for them? It is recommended they stop any programs prior to the advanced scan if they want to take the suggestions the scan showed; only for the reason of helping to figure out what is best for the patient and what really worked for them.
Follow-ups: are imperative to establish a personalized health plan that effectively addresses your specific concerns, goals, and helping to get to underlying causes. Results only last for a certain period of time and will become in valid over time. This is why patients need to be pro-active with their health and follow-up with a scheduled in office visit with Dr. Hartman. It takes BOTH you and Dr. Hartman working together for the betterment of your health. If you only communicate through email or on the phone after your initial appointment and do not schedule to see Dr. Hartman with in 3months or longer, how can she truly be able to help you? Following-up within a few weeks helps Dr. Hartman to know where you are, what might need to be added or tweaked etc. However, if you get a scan, come in for nutritional coaching etc. and then do not do anything with the results, get started late, don’t really understand what to do, you decide to try a product(s) etc. but you don’t schedule with Dr. Hartman; how is this allowing her to do her job and/or that you know the program worked or didn’t work for you?
For More information on the click Health Scans, Health Scan Prices, Policies or go to the difference in Health Scans page, or contact Dr. Hartman @ 860-2144 or