What is Bio-Identical Hormones (BHRT)? Hormones that are very similar to the hormones produced in the human body, i.e., estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Is Bio-Identical Hormones Safe and effective? Yes, they are made from untainted plants (yam or soy) and there are no synthetics in them like conventional hormone therapy. They are said to be identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced by the body, and are used to help balance, repair, and restore hormone levels.
What are hormones and why are they important? Hormones are chemical messengers in the body that communicate and travel through the blood to organs and tissues to attain balance and functions.
What happens when there are hormonal imbalances and/or fluctuation? This can causes numerous symptoms in the body. Even slight fluctuations in hormone levels can cause significant ramifications on your health.
BHRT Treatments: include creams, lotions, tablets, gels, injections, and/or dots.
Are Labs involved? Yes! Patients may need blood, saliva, or urine laboratory testing to provide current hormone levels and multiple parameters that affect your health.
Why are labs important? All doctors, like Dr. Hartman, use labs to receive detailed analysis about your current levels and other health markers for evaluation. They provide Dr. Hartman an accurate assessment of where a patient is currently, what needs to be address, and helps her with the deliberation in creating a personalize health plan. Dr. Hartman takes all medical history past and current, patients’ goals, strengths, beliefs, lifestyle, diet etc. and creates a tailored health plan that fits them and their unique health needs. Laboratory testing is necessary in most cases and is an important part of helping patients achieve optimal levels.
Some Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy:
Pharmacy Used: Dr. Hartman works with and sends patients to Dr. Clearwater locally in town. He is her compound pharmacist and makes up what patients need. Dr. Hartman meets with patients for medical background, discusses what’s been going on, orders labs if necessary, and then speaks with Dr. Clearwater. At this juncture, Dr. Clearwater would make the compound he thins is best for patients. Dr. Clearwater has been a compounding pharmacist for many years and has helped many people over the years. He’s well respected and highly recommended by many people and doctors locally. Dr. Hartman is proud to work with him for the betterment of patients health and wellbeing. She trusts him and his decisions as to what would be best for her patents. Dr. Hartman highly recommends Dr. Clearwater to patients if they would rather go and see him for everything. She offers BHRT and is certified, for those who want to go to her in the beginning. For more information about Herbst Pharmacy.
To make an appointment or to learn more contact Dr. Hartman Office: 765-860-2144 or