The price for Biological Medicine Analysis is: $180 (20 to 64yrs) $160 (16 to 19yrs), $150 (15 to 12yrs) $140 (11 to 9yrs), $130 (8 to 5yrs), $120 (4yrs to 1yrs). Senior’s 65+ – $170.00 ($10 off regular pice).
NOTE: The price listed is ONLY for Dr. Hartman’s time, evaluation, individualized plans, and going over results with you. Any thing additional to help remove, restore and/or reverse damage are not covered in the above price and will be additionally charge if patients decide to do their unique treatment plans. Keep in mind your first visit will be around 30mins, 2nd visit up to 1hr, but it will take Dr. Hartman 2+hrs to get your results, then time afterwards to complete your unique health plan…
Anything over the time allotted (90mins – split up in 2 visits) in the description above will be additional – $1 per minute, if you need more time with the results and/or in your initial consult; if Dr. Hartman is able to extend your time.
Remember: You DID NOT get where you are over night, it has taken a lifetime to get to where you are, development of medical conditions, chronic issues etc. However, there is REAL hope for your unique situation and given time you WILL see and feel the results of Biological Medicine.
*Any products, tests, scans, etc. needed that comes up in the evaluation are additional from the price of the Analysis*
Contact Dr. Hartman to schedule your appointment for your personalized roadmap to optimal health and/or for more information.
**CASH & CHECKS Accepted!*
NOTE: There are allergies in office. PLEASE do not come in with perfume, scented lotions/oil, cologne, etc. It causes Dr. Hartman to have a headache/migraine, runny nose, sneezing, and/or other reactions. Thank you!
All prices are subject to change. Dr. Hartman states with all new patients and/or therapy clients their price upfront; there are NO hidden fees or extra fees given for being a “new” patient or therapy client. Dr. Hartman is honest and charges the same for everyone. If prices change, her patients and therapy clients know a couple months in advanced BEFORE the new prices change. She does not take time away from anyone either, unless you are running late, and it pushes her to have to cut you time.