Since most of your perceptions, conditionings, negative thoughts etc. are inherited from your parents and ancestors. Reframing the way you have learned to perceive can be a powerful catalyst for creating new possibilities, letting go of old thoughts, making improvements in your life etc. The specific people you will work on reframing are:
If you have Step Parents or Another type of Guarding you were raised by, these are substituted out if you did not know your parents and/or you can add them to family members eventually. While many of these perceptions serve an important purpose, some are less desirable and create barriers to wellness; especially negative perceptions deeply embedded in our subconscious that prevent us from moving forward, improving, letting go of past hurts, abandonment, abuse etc.
*NOTE:It takes at least 5 rounds or more to complete a cycle; the whole family cycle is a longer session, after which you work on the highest to lowest scored family member. All rounds must be scheduled in office ahead of time with full payment up front. 1 cancellation /reschedule will be allowed during the rounds. However, it is imperative NOT to wait longer than 2 weeks in-between rounds; best results are once a wk until all issues has been addressed. If 2nd cancellation/ reschedule happens, you will be charged for an additional session/round. You must commit yourself fully for this to be able to work correctly -there are no refunds.
Also Known as “Transgenerational”: It is believed that through epigenetics that we acquire gene expressions, are more susceptible and/or prone to some illnesses, diseases, or medical conditions through “triggers” of these expressions and/or vulnerability. Medically it’s explained as “inheritance,” and that we are “at risk” to developing something our mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandparent etc. had due to our “genes.” However, this is not entirely true. We all make different cells daily, including cancer, arthritis etc. but, if these cells are never “triggered” then the immune system does it’s job and they are removed from the body. It is ONLY when it is triggered that it becomes a problem. Simply put, just because your parent, family member, or grandparent developed a health condition, illness or disease doesn’t mean you will. We are all unique and your DNA is not the exact same as anyone else’s…
What are “triggers”? things in our life that we come into contact with, many of which may never bother us, but there are some things that will or eventually over time can cause damage. Fact of the matter is, it depends on your unique body, your DNA, your susceptibility to things, your lifestyle, diet, exposures to chemicals and environmental toxins… among a plethora of others’. It is also believed by some scientists that we are “allowed” to pick certain life lessons to learn and genetic cycles to break…*whether this is true or not, it does make some sense if you do research and think about your own families…
We are now starting to learn more about Epigenetics in the medical field. When I was earning my doctorate, we briefly touched base on this. Since I graduated, there has been much more research in this field. Even a priority for Transgenerational epidemiology is now being considered to describe the range of measurable exposures (triggers) and outcomes mediating Transgenerational affects in humans; i.e., what exposures at which life cycle/stage in parents, grandparents, or distant ancestors would be associated with the outcome in the offspring or subsequent generations. There are numerous factors like traumas in life, at birth during growing or later in life, distinguishing cultural inheritance, biological transmission across generations, exposures to sensitive more prone cells/genes within the body and so on… A good movie to watch on YouTube is “The ghost within your genes.” There is SO much to Transgenerational and Epigenetics, that we are still discovering this area today…
How can the Family (AKA Transgenerational) Health Scan help you? Perceptions are the way we think and feel about people, events, and all aspects in our life. Reframing these perceptions helps patients discover a new way to see things. Example, when we are raised in a dysfunctional, abusive, controlling, or negative environment, our perception of what is right, how things should work or be etc. is changed in a wrong way. These wrong behaviors, thoughts, conditionings, and/or beliefs are like bad habits that have to be replaced with positive, true, and accurate information. If you continue to repeat the same patterns repeatedly or destructive behaviors, but things never change and you have no idea why, it is very likely you have these wrong negative perceptions. Since our gene expressions and cells are in consistent change, it has been clinically shown that perception reframing helps with these expressions.
At a conscious level most people may learn better ways of doing things, techniques etc. in their life, however, subconsciously we are all still bound by the life perceptions we have learned through the years in every area, i.e., with relationships, how we perceive things, personal health, thoughts, beliefs, what we think is right and wrong, behaviors etc. Until we change this wrong, negative expressions we will never really grow to our full potential, have the relationship we’ve always dreamed of, the job that we know we’re destined to do, or letting go of something you can’t bare to deal with, or some picky habits that really are trivial or compulsive behaviors, letting go of past hurts, struggles or traumas etc.
Perception reframing allows for a more mature or functional reality and can be used to improve any aspect of human performances: SOME examples
The Family Health Scan helps to move people past family members who have upset, hurt, abused, abandoned, or neglected someone; it helps to build relationships, helps you to express built up feeling, emotions and/or helps you to let go of the genetic gene expressions that can cause harm to your cells and ultimately your health. Every thought or emotion we hold on to that is negative or wrong WILL eventually cause health problems, illnesses, diseases, and even death. Changing the way we think, feel, express, perceive information etc. is a key factor in whether or not we “trigger” the wrong or right gene expressions and cells on or off.
As we are still learning in this new field, Dr. Hartman is very privileged to be able to help patients through this new health scan and feels it is a God send; but especially to those who have carried burdens for too long – she’s helping them to “Let go and Let God.” This has been a struggle for Dr. Hartman and her family too, as it is for a lot of people. She is happy to help those whom God sends her! If you’re interested in learning more and/or what to break a wrong learned perception, belief, thought, behavior etc. contact Dr. Hartman 765-860-2144.
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