Dr. Hartman became Certified in Functional Nutrition March 6th 2025 here is Kokomo, IN as city of firsts.
What is Functional Nutrition? a very basic understanding is it uses Food as Medicine for Optimizing Health and Wellness. However, there is a LOT that goes into this. Labs can be ran to see different health aliments, e.g., insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, acute and chronic inflammatory markers, 5 root causes for dysfunction, glycemic balance, oxidative stress -8 main factors, endocrine disruptors, insulin sensitivity, blood sugar stabilizers, slow burn vs fast burn carbs, fat & LPS endotoxemia, artificial sweeteners and how affect numerous bodily functions, ANS, PNS, and SNS, vagus nerve, circadian rhythms, stress management, cortisol levels, hormesis & allostasis/allostatic load, weight, general adaptation syndrome, hormones, mental/emotional factors, physical/mechanical,HPA, environmental, nutritional and physiological sources, exercise, mindfulness, sleep, macros & micros, when to eat, how much to eat, what’s too much, and sizes, micronutrients, nutrigenomics, & phytochemicals, trace minerals, supplementation, phytonutrients, caloric balance, organic vs conventional, GMO’s etc. labeling, SAD, recall, elimination, food allergies, sensitivities, intolerances, are you really a true celiac, label dates is the food really expired, % of daily value, anthropometrics, 5 domains of nutrition physical, nutritional status, mindful eating, functional foods, gut health, disturbances, and dysbiosis, beneficial foods, several types of diets for several conditions and overall health and wellness, fasting and intermittent fasting, cardiometabolic, adrenal function, several health conditions, e.g., hypo & hyperthyroidism, sex hormone imbalances, andropause, anxiety & depression, insomnia, fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmunity, CFS, osteoarthritis, arthritis, diabetes, a SO much more.
In additional to the certification in functional nutrition, Dr. Hartman also received credits for Optimizing Physical & Cognitive Recovery as a 2nd bonus part to the above certification.
Dr. Hartman will be able to add to what she’s already learned perviously and add even more to those who come to her for overall health, wellness, and recovery.
To schedule call 765-860-2144 or email Dr.Renee@comcast.net (reserved for those who want to schedule -no web developers etc. thanks!)