There are many natural ways to educate your immune system, one is by homeopathics: It’s a method of disease prevention that is safe, natural, and non-invasive. There are no toxins, preservatives, chemicals, or pathological particles. It works by educating your immune system in recognizing and fighting pathogens naturally. The goal is to provide the immune system with information of diseases we are exposed to, this way our immune system can respond more quickly and effectively.
Whats the difference in the Homeopathic Program (HP)? HP satisfies the process of naturally acquired diseases by providing a tiny dose of the disease, like vaccines; but without all the side effects, toxic materials, egg proteins, etc. that some people have problems with. HP teaches the immune system to recognize the diseases DNA as if exposed to the disease in it’s natural state. This triggers TH1, TH2 and other processes, which can cause mild reactions during exposure that fight off the “disease;” as if it was contracted in its natural state; thus causing the immune system to build up resistance to the disease itself. Vaccines are administered intramuscular, this optimises the immunogenicity of the vaccine and minimises adverse reactions at the injection site which causes an “artificial reaction and possible production of antibodies;” which is temporarily and boosters are needed for people to stay protected. HP also uses boosters to reintroduce pathogens to the body. Both are great ways to protect yourself and children. HP is less invasive and a good alternative for those who are allergic to ingredients in vaccines e.g., egg whites, those who have sensitive systems, or have reactions with vaccines.
How does HP work? By changing the susceptibility of the child or adult to the disease through HP, the immune system becomes much stronger and combats diseases more efficient and effectively in the natural disease form with less reaction(s). The philosophy behind HP is much different from conventional vaccination in that the micro-organisms are not seen as the sole cause of disease, but rather the interplay between the micro-organisms and the individual susceptibility of the child or adult: the healthier the patient, the less susceptible he or she is to a disease. Teaching the immune system to recognize these disease forms result in quicker recovery, lasting immunity, and less reactions when exposed to the disease.
Is the Program is simple and harmless? Yes, HP is easy to use, safe, effective and it is done at home over a 44-46 month span. Other than the initial intake through an office visit or Zoom, no other office Zoom appointments are needed; unless a person needs further help and/or clarification. Children and adults like HP because there are no side effects, it is harmless and doesn’t suppress their immune system, and it’s hassle free only once a month the admonition of a tiny sweet tasting pellet(s) is given to the child and/or adult; which dissolves under the tongue. All of which helps the immune system recognize the disease processes, and teaches it how to fight off certain pathologies as already stead in the above. In doing so, can possibly create the antigen, like vaccines; which in turns creates the antibodies for lifetime immunity.
NOTE: As any doctor, Dr. Hartman will NOT guarantee results or life time Immunity to anything, nor can medical physicians guarantee results or life time immunity with vaccines. Dr. Hartman respects ALL forms of medicine, e.g., medical and natural. However, because everyone is NOT the same, is why NO ONE medically nor naturally; can guarantee results, immunity, protection etc. from anything. Dr. Hartman will do her best to work with all patients who want all medical or natural and/or who want a mixture…Dr. Hartman respects all patients decisions, medical and natural treatments etc. YOU the patient has the last word and decision, Dr. Hartman is ONLY there to teach/educate patients on ALL forms of healing. However, you need to be protect by either vaccinations or HP; it is NOT wise to do nothing. Whether you are looking for conventional vaccines or want more information on HP -please contact Dr. Hartman – 765-860-2144.
NOTE: There are sensitives and allergies to smells: lotions, fragrances, perfumes, colognes etc. PLEASE do not come to the office wearing any strong smells or anything that has a scent to it or you may be asked to reschedule your appointment. Actually, we’d prefer you come as natural as possible! Thank you greatly for your understanding and respect! Many Blessings!