Interferential Current (IFC) Therapy Prices w/ therapy:
30mins – $45
45mins -$55
60mins – $70
75mins -$85
90mins -$100
Interferential Current (IFC) Therapy Prices w/o therapy:
30mins – $30
45mins -$45
60mins -$60
75mins -$70
90mins -$85
Contact Dr. Hartman to schedule 765-860-2144 or email
More info on Interferential Current (IFC) Therapy
NOTE: There are allergies in office. PLEASE do not come in with perfume, scented lotions/oil, cologne, etc. It causes Dr. Hartman to have a headache/migraine, runny nose, sneezing, and/or other reactions. Thank you!
All prices are subject to change. Dr. Hartman states with all new patients and/or therapy clients their price upfront; there are NO hidden fees or extra fees given for being a “new” patient or therapy client. Dr. Hartman is honest and charges the same for everyone. If prices change, her patients and therapy clients know a couple months in advanced BEFORE the new prices change. She does not take time away from anyone either, unless you are running late, and it pushes her to have to cut you time.