Dr. Renee Hartman owner of Whole Body HealthCare and Wellness LLC. ®; is an Immunologist and holds a PhD and Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a PhD, Doctorate and Masters in Natural Medicine (Traditional Naturopathy), a Doctorate in Alternative Medicine, and a Bachelors of Science in Natural Health/ Nutrition. Dr. Hartman is Licensed through the Guardian Ecclesiastical Holistic Association (GEHA). A member and Board Certified Integrative Medicine Doctor, and Board Certified Natural Medicine Doctors & Practitioners of North America. A Board Certified Doctor of Humanitarian Services, a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Alternative Medical Practitioner. A Certified Bio-Analysis of Health Practitioner, Certified Advanced Bioenergetic Assessment Practitioner, Certified Biofeedback Technician, Certified Functional Nutritionalist, Certified BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapist, Certified HP Practitioner, Certified Ultrasound Cavitation & Radio Frequency (RF) Technician, and Flash Technique Therapist. A member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, the American Alternative Medical Association, the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The National Association of Nutrition Professionals, and the American Holistic Nurses Association. Dr. Hartman is required 10 hrs probono for Doctor of Humanitarian Services and 40hrs Category 1 Credits AMA/PRA CME yearly, just as medical physicians. Whole Body HealthCare and Wellness LLC. ® is an essential business under NAICS codes: 621390 and 621399.
Dr. Hartman deals with numerous health challenges and works with several medical, functional, and natural doctors in and outside of Kokomo, IN. She has spent the majority of her life learning and growing, going through extensive training and certification. Including, doing a multitude of research to increase her knowledge and understanding of all forms of medicine, the human body, immune system, diet, lifestyles, mental health, etc. She continues to update her education yearly and add to her practice for the betterment of her patients. She has come to the realization the “one size fits all motto” does not work for everyone. This is why she customizes/personalizes all health plans to fit each individuals specific health needs; no health plan is the same. To achieve this goal, she has spent numerous hours and years studying in the fields of medical, and natural medicine.
Dr. Hartman chose not to continue on to become a medical physician due to consciously struggling with the idea of having to meet and exceed numbers as her main focus when seeing patients. She felt there were enough doctors prescribing medications and was pulled to and wanted to focus more on getting to underlying causes to find root causes; something medical physicians aren’t taught how to do in medical school. She knew she wanted to be different from conventional doctors by offering patients more options, and she works with several types of physicians. It wasn’t until writing her masters to doctoral thesis to PhD research dissertation on the immune system; that she realized she wanted to work with the immune system, all levels of the body, lifestyle, and diet. She learned how to give patients ways to heal, stimulate the immune system instead of suppressing it, how to be preventative, proactive, and how to utilize all forms of medicines, therapies etc. in order to promote health, healing, and wellness. She knew she would still partner and continue to work with medical physicians and natural doctors as she had been doing for years, including recommending medical approaches to patients when needed. She wanted to truly make a difference for the betterment of her patients, not manage symptoms as learned in medical school, because she believes we should not suppress the immune system, rather rely on it’s innate healing we were all born with. She believes in both medical and natural medicine, and they compliment each other very well when used together. She also learned God gave us an amazing body that can heal itself; we just have to put the right things in our body, including our thoughts, perceptions, and habits in a positive way.
Due to Dr. Hartman not continuing on to become a medical physician and going through additional courses and her clinicals and residencies; she has some restrictions/limitations. Those looking for someone to “replace” their medical physician have to understand no one but medical or osteopathic physicians’ can do what you’ve been accustomed too. All doctors are different, and NOT the same as medical physicians.
Dr. Hartman’s restrictions and/or limitations:
Dr. Hartman is working with medical physicians, nurses, medical staff, and a compounding pharmacist for some of the things she offers that you have to be a medical physician or nurse to do. She is following all of Indiana state laws and requirements for everything she does. Patients may be referred to them for some of the areas that are in “grey.” She would rather be safe than sorry. She is however seeking training and special certification in areas of medical she is able to be approved for as an immunologist and integrative doctor; all of which she will legally be able to preform in office.
Dr. Hartman is an Immunologist, e.g., education, training, and extensive knowledge of the immune system, functions, malfunctions etc. She also focused on cancer and how it affects the immune system; as her dad had cancer, exhausted all medical treatments, and decided to try some natural treatments before he passed away. This journey started with her master’s thesis (basic foundation of the immune system), to doctoral thesis (all medical and natural treatments/protocols and effects on the immune system) to PhD research dissertation (highest level), putting everything together, diving into all aspects of medical and natural treatments, what they did to the immune system, what treatments, procedures worked, and defining all findings, and research, including interviewing cancer patients, those in remission, and those who used medical only, medical with natural medicines, and natural medicines only. In addition, looking at how lifestyle, diet/nutrition, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, affected immune functions, and overall health of the human body; and much, much more. Her masters, to doctorate, to PhD research dissertation was roughly 500 pages.)
Dr. Hartman is an Integrative doctor. She has an extensive background in both medical and natural medicines. Dr. Hartman, just like chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, etc., go through the same medical training and education; but only those who qualify as “medical” (MD or DO) are able to prescribe medications and administer vaccines, diagnose, and claim to treat; nurse practitioners are able to do some of these things too, however, they too have restrictions due to not being medical physicians. Until the laws change, Dr. Hartman can ONLY give medical information, referrals, and educate patients on all aspects of the medical and natural fields.
Dr. Hartman believes a patients’ health challenge(s) reveal pieces of a puzzle that has accumulated over the years. She wants to know what happened to you, when it started and how, what’s your and/or child’s story, struggles you’ve faced and/or been through, goals you’ve made or currently want, to understand your whole health history just not your current, where you are now, what you’ve done, did it work for you or not, etc. all of which she thinks is key in order to truly help patients’ heal from the inside out ™. She knows what works best for one person will not work for the next, because we are all different and unique, she understands the “one-size-fits-all” does not work for the betterment of all patients health; which she respects, admires, and focuses on individual care, and does not lump everyone together. She wants patients to know she cares deeply, your concerns will be heard, and she will be here for you every step of your healing journey. She will work with your medical physicians, and she becomes part of your team.
Dr. Hartman educates patients on all forms of medicines (medical and natural), orders any lab(s) a patient needs, works with patients’ diets, lifestyle, nutrition, health, mental and spiritual health, and functions of the immune system, reads all x-rays/scans, takes vitals, preforms biofeedback and several health and food scans utilized as a guideline /road map in order to see where stressors, malfunctions, and/or concentration needs to be in order to help reestablish homeostasis, and get to underlying causes etc.; all of which she has been trained to do. She sees patients with any previously diagnosed medical condition by a medical physician, unexplained and/or unresolved issues, chronic and acute issues, daily aches and pains, traumas, etc. She believes having an extensive medical background and a broad spectrum of all forms of medicine is highly beneficial for patients in numerous ways, especially because no one person is the same and not all drugs, vaccines, supplements, herbs, or homeopathic medicines work or affect everyone in the same way. If you’re tired of hitting dead ends, only getting pieces of the puzzle, and/or exhausted all medical ways; Dr. Hartman may be an answer to your prayers. There are no guarantees, not even medically, however, Dr. Hartman will do the very best with every patient that sees her.
Concluding, Dr. Hartman does not perform anything illegal in the state of Indiana or against her boards or personal or professional moral codes. She follows all federal, state laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to all of the fields she currently practices in, all of which are different, and not the same as medical physicians.
To make an appointment or to speak with Dr. Hartman directly call 765-860-2144 OR Going to the Online Scheduling tab, OR the Contact Dr. Hartman Page. Dr. Hartman provides a doctors note/slip if you have to miss work or take a half day off, just like your medical physician, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, ophthalmologist, nurse practitioner etc. They too provide doctors note/slip for you, like Dr. Hartman, because they know most people work during the day, and will have to schedule off or a half day to make the appointment.
Indiana Laws and definition of a Physician
410 IAC 15-1.1-17 “Physician” defined
Authority: IC 16-21-1-7
Affected: IC 16-21-1; IC 25-22.5-5
Sec. 17. “Physician” means an individual licensed under IC
“Physician” means any person who holds the degree of doctor of medicine or of osteopathic medicine approved by the board or its equivalent and an unlimited license to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in Indiana. Examine credentials of candidates for appointment and reappointment to the medical staff by using sources in accordance with hospital policy and applicable state and federal law.
(a)(2) Verify that there is a mechanism established to examine credentials of prospective members by the medical staff. Verify that the credentials examined include at least:
a request for clinical privileges;
current licensure;
training and professional education;
documented experience; and
supporting references of competence.
Indiana Laws and definition of a “Health care provider.”
410 IAC 15-1.1-11 “Health care provider” defined
Authority: IC 16-21-1-7
Affected: IC 16-18-2-163;IC16-21-1-1
Sec. 11. “Health care provider” means a provider as defined
in IC 16-18-2-163. [IC 27-12 was repealed by P.L.1-1998,
SECTION 221, effective July 1, 1998.]. (Indiana State
Department of Health; 410 IAC 15-1.1-11; filed Dec 21,
1994, 9:40 a.m.: 18 IR 1262; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001
“Health Care Provider” means:
(1) an individual, partnership, corporation, professional corporation, facility, or institution licensed or legally authorized by this state to provide health care or professional services as a physician, psychiatric hospital, hospital health facility, emergency ambulance service (IC 16-18-2-107), dentist, registered or licensed practical nurse, midwife, optometrist, podiatrist, chiropractor, physical therapist, respiratory care practitioner, occupational therapist, psychologist, paramedic, emergency medical technician, or advanced emergency technician, or a person who is an officer, employee, or agent of the individual, partnership, corporation, professional corporation, facility, or institution, acting in the course and scope of the person’s employment.
(2) A college, university, or junior college that provides health care to a student, faculty member, or employee, and the governing board or a person who is an officer, employee, or agent of the college, university, or junior college acting in the course and scope of the person’s employment;
(3) A blood bank, community mental health center, community mental retardation center, community health center, or migrant health center;
(4) A home health agency (as defined in IC 16-27-1-2);
(5) A prepaid health care delivery plan (as defined in IC 16-27-8-7-1);
(6) A health care organization whose member, shareholders, or partners are health care providers under subdivision
(1); and
(7) A corporation partnership, or professional corporation not otherwise qualified under this subsection that;
(A) as one (1) of its functions, provides health care;
(B) is organized or registered under state law; and
(C) is determined to be eligible for coverage as a health care provider under this chapter for its health care function. Coverage for a health care provider qualified under this subdivision is limited to its health care functions and does not extend to other causes of action.
Indiana Laws and definition of a “Practitioner”
410 IAC 15-1.1-18 “Practitioner” defined
Authority: IC 16-21-1-7
Affected: IC 16-21-1; IC 25-1-9-2
Sec. 18. “Practitioner” means an individual as defined in IC
25-1-9-2. (Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC
15-1.1-18; filed Dec 21, 1994, 9:40 a.m.: 18 IR 1262;
readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 2:23 p.m.: 24 IR 4234)
“Practitioner” means an individual who holds:
(1) An unlimited license, certificate, or registration.
(2) A limited or probationary license, certification, or registration.
(3) A temporary license, certificate, registration, or permit.
(4) An Intern permit.
(5) A provisional license.
Issued by the board regulating the profession in question, including a certificate of registration issued under IC 25-20.
Can Someone Who is in The Healthcare field use the word “Patient” if they have a doctorate or PhD? The answer is:
NOTE: Unfortunately, Indiana does not license or have any laws or regulations that pertain to Integrative, Natural, or Alternative medicine. This is why Dr. Hartman was required to find her own boards, licensing agency and malpractice insurance to protect her in her fields. Including, extra certification and training in specific areas she wanted to be able to do; which had to be approved. Beware of “holistic,” and/or those who claim to do natural medicine, wellness clinics etc. until you check on their education, training, and certification(s). Dr. Hartman had to go through extensive training in order to preform and be legally able to do what she does. However, there are places/”businesses” out there without the training and certification claiming “natural wellness,” “holistic,” etc. and are doing things that maybe illegal in Indiana; especially if they do not have the training and special certification in order to do what they “claim,” they can do. Do your own research! Dr. Hartman only does what she is allowed legally to do.
NOTE: There are sensitives and allergies to smells: lotions, fragrances, perfumes, colognes etc. PLEASE do not come to the office wearing any strong smells or anything that has a scent to it or you may be asked to reschedule your appointment. Actually, we’d prefer you come as natural as possible! Thank you greatly for your understanding and respect! Many Blessings!