Dr. Hartman is now accepting patients for Metabolic Chaos.
Initial Consult 60mins: $125 this is the 1st step in the program. You will pick a package you want, discuss the package, forms will be filled out, and they will be discussed. This will take around 90mins for all.
For those who just want an overview of what Metabolic Chaos is, schedule a 30mins in office consult with Dr. Hartman for $45.00
The Initial Consult is an agreement and commitment both patient and Dr. Hartman makes for the Metabolic Chaos program. If patients decide to do the program, Dr. Hartman will offer them a 6 month or 4 different 3 month packages; the cost of the packages are separate from the Initial Consult.
As with anything it took TIME to get where you are and it WILL take TIME to help you! This program is designed to get to underlying causes and help with malfunctions of the human body. There are no guarantees, Dr. Hartman nor any physician (MD or DO) or health coach can guarantee anything. If a patient decides to do the program, Dr. Hartman will be there for them throughout the whole process and after the completion of the program
NOTE: There are allergies in office. PLEASE do not come in with perfume, scented lotions/oil, cologne, etc. It causes Dr. Hartman to have a headache/migraine, runny nose, sneezing, and/or other reactions. Thank you!
All prices are subject to change. Dr. Hartman states with all new patients and/or therapy clients their price upfront; there are NO hidden fees or extra fees given for being a “new” patient or therapy client. Dr. Hartman is honest and charges the same for everyone. If prices change, her patients and therapy clients know a couple months in advanced BEFORE the new prices change. She does not take time away from anyone either, unless you are running late, and it pushes her to have to cut you time.