Flash Technique for Trauma, Processing for Clinicians Unsing EMDR, CPT, DBT, CBT, and IFS.
What is the Flash Technique (FT): is a recently developed evidenced-based therapeutic intervention for reducing the disturbance associated with traumatic or other distressing memories. Originally developed as an addition to the preparation phase of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), FT has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the disturbance level associated with severely painful memories, sometimes in as little as ten to fifteen minutes. Like EMDR, FT utilizes eye movements or alternating tapping and is designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. Unlike many conventional trauma therapy interventions, FT is a minimally intrusive option that does not require the client to consciously engage with the traumatic memory. This allows the client to process traumatic memories without feeling distress. As an adjunct to the EMDR preparation phase or any exposure-based treatment, it makes it possible to process memories that would otherwise be intolerable or overwhelming to the client.
Who can benefit? FT can help children and adults of all ages. It is useful in a wide variety of presenting complaints including anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mild and severe dissociation, depression and more.
Dr. Hartman has gone through all training in order to be able to do Flash Technique.
Initial consult – patient intake and individual FT therapy 60mins $150
Individual Sessions – 45mins $90
60mins $125
75mins $160
90mins $200
To schedule an appointment call Dr. Hartman (765) 860-2144 or Email Dr.Renee@comcast.net
Looking forward to helping you heal from the inside out!