Dr. Hartman offers consultation sessions in office for follow-ups, those potential patients who are unsure of which treatment or therapy might be best for them etc.
Office Visit Prices:
NOTE: Dr. Hartman reserves the right to charge a last minute/day of cancellation fee of the full price you’re scheduled for. Everyone fills out this legal document in office.
What to expect for the Patient Health Assessment Visit:
Your consultation is an important way to help you stay healthy and communicate with Dr. Hartman. It is a chance to focus on your overall health and wellness.
Visits focus on preventive care, dietary advice etc. which may include:
What to expect?
Don’t want to come in office or too far away to drive? NO problem! Dr. Hartman will Skype or Face Time with patients for $60 for 30mins, $120 for 60mins OR $175 for 90mins.
**CASH, & CHECKS ACCEPTED -No Credit Cards, HSA etc.**
NOTE: There are sensitives and allergies to smells: lotions, fragrances, perfumes, colognes etc. PLEASE do not come to the office wearing any strong smells or anything that has a scent to it or you may be asked to reschedule your appointment. Actually, we’d prefer you come as natural as possible! Thank you greatly for your understanding and respect! Many Blessings!
“The most important decision we can make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe” ~ Albert Einstein
All prices are subject to change. Dr. Hartman states with all new patients and/or therapy clients their price upfront; there are NO hidden fees or extra fees given for being a “new” patient or therapy client. Dr. Hartman is honest and charges the same for everyone. If prices change, her patients and therapy clients know a couple months in advanced BEFORE the new prices change. She does not take time away from anyone either, unless you are running late, and it pushes her to have to cut you time.